Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Welcome Back Our Cute Princess! :3

Hewwo everybody.. from now on i'll start to keep improving my blog for our better life (?)
soooo.... *krik krik* *awkward*
welcome for myself! xDD #slap

and oh! i'll start to get productive(lol) since my first day of my midterm-break
so, otanoshimini! (wait for it) ^^

and btw since i closed my official fb account. u may contact me. tee-hee..  and if you want to contact me faster (meh, maybe if you want to have a friend to share with :D) you may send me e-mail at ~

and maybe i could give you a pict for my appologize gift? xD
lol.. Shouko's whisper as i whispering to you~ =p

thankies all <3 p="p">bunch of love for you guys and have a nice flight of life for todaaaaay~ *smooch* <3 data-blogger-escaped="data-blogger-escaped">